Receivables Roundtable Founder, Adam Parks talks data with Kevin Flerlage, Manager of Business Intelligence at Unifund CCR and Recovery Decision Science, and Jason Richardson with National Community Reinvestment Coalition about blending and visualizing data through the automated Tableau platform and using it to help the community. Any user can use the platform simply by defining a geographic scope; then the Tableau platform sorts all the data, performs all the calculations, and presents the resulting information in a clear, easy to understand, visually appealing format, an exceptional alternative to directing people to download data which can be difficult to view and understand.

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About Company

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Unifund exists at the intersection of performance and compliance. We are an accounts receivable portfolio investment firm that specializes in using technology, analytics, and machine learning to purchase, manage, service, and liquidate distressed consumer receivables.

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The National Community Reinvestment Coalition is a network of organizations and individuals dedicated to creating a nation that not only promises but delivers opportunities for all Americans to build wealth and live well.

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